


Underdog allows people to purchase pre-owned home appliances, checked by professionals with a warranty




Circular Economy

Stage at investment

Seed & Pre-Series A



What is Underdog?

Underdog aims to become the top-of-mind refurbished home appliances seller. Underdog allows people to purchase pre-owned home appliances, checked by professionals with a warranty. We start with a full-stack refurbisher model to ensure offer, and then will become a marketplace

Business and value proposition

Underdog is a full-stack refurbisher, managing all the value chain from sourcing, logistics to sales. Underdog’s vision is to have the largest range of refurbished home appliances provider, with a strong focus on big items.

Why we invested ?

The refurbishment market has long been characterised by strong inefficiencies and low trust levels among end consumers. Refurbishers have traditionally struggled to source products and sell them efficiently. Through our investment in Back Market, we know the refurbished sector well. Back Market is solving the distribution pain points of the Refurbishers. The white goods market is still very underserved by the refurbishment industry. Whereas the government has given Ecosystem the objective to triple the refurbishment share, traditional players will need the help of new and digital players, such as Underdog, to achieve this ambitious objective. We are delighted to be able to support them and further push the benefits of the circular economy within as many businesses as possible.

Geographical footprint


Team of Underdog

Team in charge Underdog

Paul Bazin

daphni team in charge

Claire Bretton

Claire Bretton

Co-founder & CEO

Léa de Fierkowsky

Léa de Fierkowsky

Co-founder & COO

Laura Chavigny

Laura Chavigny

Co-founder, Supply & Finance



When we created Underdog, we had two missions:to prove that it is possible to recondition household electrical appliances in France and to encourage the French to consume in a more responsible way. Daphni dared to follow us in this crazy adventure and together we are going to take up this huge challenge!

Claire Bretton - CEO@Underdog