Home • VC Team Paris • Paul Bazin
Paul Bazin
Partner at daphni
Paul is a partner at daphni. He worked as an engineer on several research projects on robotics, artificial intelligence and embedded systems before joining daphni in 2016. He studied engineering at ESIEE Paris and London Brunel University. He acquired an entrepreneurial focus at EMLyon.
“Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.” - JFK
Paul's fun facts
Super power
Brilliant ideas on branding, marketing & communication
Smile when
He learns things from others
He can teach
Cat Stevens is called “Cat” because a girlfriend thought he had cat eyes
Why did he join the VC world ?
To support and learn from the best entrepreneurs and investors
Soft skills
Reliable, precise, quick, hilarious
How he acts for good
By putting process and figures on “build da city for good” moto
Mobile App, AI, Hardware & Robotic, Marketplaces
Talk about football or how the French northern Brittany coast is the most beautiful place in the world
Mission at daphni
Sourcing startups to invest, supporting portfolio companies, board follow up, updating LPs, entrepreneurs caring, VC networking
Paul's track record
Paul's news
La régulation du marché des crédits carbone volontaires, une opportunité pour les startups ?
L’utilisation des crédits carbone volontaires et leur impact questionnent. Paul Bazin, associé au sein du fonds d’investissement Daphni - dont la stratégie s’articule autour des nouveaux usages et des projets durables - détaille une étude menée sur cet outil qui allie finance et développement durable. [...]
Do entrepreneurs need to be risk-takers?
In France, Venture capital is called Capital risque. Indeed 90% of ventures will fail and 50% of the ventures that have raised a series A die within 5 years. Therefore, it is a risk to start its ventures knowing that a new entrepreneur has only 10% chance of [...]
Solidification of the digital world
Who hasn’t dreamt of being in Minority Report, playing with your hands on a simple glass? Us humans need our five senses to understand and interact with our surroundings. [...]