
Roxanne Crossley

Acceleration Partner at daphni

Roxanne is Acceleration Partner at daphni. She holds an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College, London and an Executive MBA from HEC, Paris. Prior to joining daphni, Roxanne worked for UNEP Ambassador Yann Arthus-Bertrand as an environmental journalist soon moving on to being his Chief of Staff. A position she also fulfilled for 6 years alongside serial entrepreneur and business angel, Jerome Lecat at Scality, a Storage Defined Software company which solution is used by over 700 million people worldwide.

« Be good or be good at it » - my uncle Anthony Goddard

Super power

She can make a cloverleaf tongue!

Smile when

She’s out sailing 


She wrote a thesis about shark attacks in Australia and can go on for hours about it

Why did she join the VC world?

To support those that dare do it the best she can!

Soft skills

She laughs really easily and always have a smile on her face

She can teach



The British Royal Family (kidding… or not), sports in general, crazy adventures like crossing the North Pole passage, a dream of her!

How she acts for good

Hardly ever eats red meat

Mission at daphni

Swiss knife!

books co-authored on sustainable development and biodiversity
attempts to pass my driving licence…
number of time tried and failed to enter vet school… A lot has happened since then!