
Welcome Double in da House!

Welcome Double in da House!

Gosh, we are living such a unique period where we are all working, studying, training…from home. Remote work is not an exception any more, it is now the norm for almost everyone that is still working, from the CEO to the new trainee. This sudden change forced even the most reticent leaders to acknowledge that it was possible to be productive outside the four walls of the company, and also forced workers to quickly learn and embrace remote working technologies. Is the future remote? Yes, no, maybe not for everyone, not for every industry…but we know that remote work will be forever changed post-COVID-19.

As a matter of fact, we want to take this opportunity to announce that we have backed a brilliant entrepreneur named Alice Default who was convinced about being able to work in remote for a long time!

And she manages to convince us too when she came to us telling that she will revolutionize how executives spend their time so they can focus on what matters most. How? in creating Double, a new way to achieve more by doing less. Studies show 30% of executives’ time is still eaten up by basic tasks that could be easily delegated.

Double is now officially opening its doors to connect busy executives with skilled human remote assistants called ‘double’, empowered by tech — Don’t worry they are not cloning you yet but kind of ;). Your ‘double’ is trained with industry best practices, and at least 5 years of experience assisting busy executives, and helping with calendar, email, travel, admin, etc.

It’s the perfect solution to focus on what you do best, because they’ll handle the rest. Alice and her team are surfing on the trend of “do it remotely” and we are super proud to support this amazing company.

It’s maybe the right time for you to find the second YOU. You can read the last announcement in TechCrunch and more about Double.

Stay safe,

The daphni team

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