
They are the CHAMPIONS!

They are the CHAMPIONS 🥇👏

Today, let’s spotlight our two skippers who have outperformed during their sailing trips!

As you may know, we recently launched Rainbow, our endowment fund, supporting various projects. Part of those projects are two amazing skippers:

⛵️ Thibaut Vauchel-Camus with his Ocean Fifty Solidaire En Peloton trimaran, supporting ARSEP (Fondation pour l’Aide à la Recherche sur la Sclérose en Plaques) and aiming at raising awareness of the benefits of sport in the fight against this disease. Huge congrats: Solidaire En Peloton wins act 1 of Ocean Fifty Series!

⛵️ Nicolas d’Estais with his Class40 CafĂ© Joyeux sailboat, highlighting CafĂ© Joyeux’s mission: the inclusion of people with disabilities through work, vocational training, and encounters. Kudos to Nico who arrived at the 4th position of the Transat CIC, leaving from Lorient to arrive in NYC!

Both skippers support causes close to our hearts. These commitments resonate perfectly with our own quest for meaning and impact.

Let’s celebrate their dedication and achievements! 🌟

Da best,

The daphni team đź‘ľ

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