
Summer Literary Adventure

Our team’s book recommendations for Summer break

Hi folks, 

☀️ With the arrival of the sun, at daphni we’ve decided to share some summer joy with our ultimate reading list! Whether you’re lounging by the sea or enjoying an evening break, our team’s book recommendations are the perfect companions for your summer escapades. So grab your sunscreen and get ready for a literary adventure. We promise there’s something for everyone, from tech-related topics to thrilling novels! 📚

1- “La Guerre des Intelligences” by Dr. Laurent Alexandre

Are you curious about the ever-expanding realm of AI in our society? Dr. Laurent Alexandre’s book is an eye-opener, exploring the widespread emergence of artificial intelligence. 

2- “Le Mage du Kremlin” by Giuliano da Empoli

Dive into a realistic fiction that brings you right to the heart of Poutine’s rise to power alongside the start of the war in Ukraine, and offers a different view of the struggle.

3- “Ralentir ou Périr: L’économie de la décroissance” by Timothé Parrique

This book by Timothé Parrique dares to question the conventional notions of infinite economic growth. Delve into the concept of “degrowth” as a thought-provoking alternative to the traditional GDP-centric view. A stimulating read to ponder on our path to a more sustainable future.

4- “Blockchain Bubble Or Revolution” by Parth Detroja

Embarking on a journey into the world of Web3 and crypto might seem daunting, but fear not! Parth Detroja’s book provides a user-friendly guide to understanding the ins and outs of blockchain technology. Perfect for both beginners and tech enthusiasts!

5- “Who moved my cheese?” by Dr Spencer Johnson

Whether at work, at home or in love, it’s not always easy to cope with change. This quick and engaging read offers invaluable lessons on embracing change in different daily situations.

We hope these book recommendations will captivate and entertain  your minds in the coming weeks. 
🎙And don’t forget that all our podcasts are available here and on all platforms, featuring entrepreneurs, and people within the Tech ecosystem sharing their insightful backgrounds.
Happy reading and listening! And above all: enjoy a well-deserved summer break!

Da yours, 

The daphni Team 👾

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