
Meet Réda Berrehili, da king of Web3!

podcast daphni reda Berrehili

Meet Réda Berrehili, da king of Web3!

Web3, Cryptocurrencies, Metaverse… you’re a bit lost with all these buzz words? No worries, our guest of the day is the man of the situation to make it clearer! Please welcome on stage the one and only: Réda Berrehili! 

Réda is a risk-taker, but above all he follows his passions. At only 11, he creates his first website about Pokémon (guess some things never die!) after discovering coding thanks to video games. We’re not surprised by how things went on: after successful studies at INSA Lyon, Réda is stung by the entrepreneurial fever! 

Réda is the king of execution and when he has a vision about a project, he is unstoppable! With Klub, he dives into the biggest Internet revolution of these last 20 years. He comes with a platform offering premium investment opportunities and services, and transactions are made with Ki, edited by the Ki Foundation, a decentralized organization. If you have one thing to remember about Web3, it would be the decentralized aspect, which makes it more transparent, inclusive, and fair! 

There’s still a lot to be done to build this whole new Web3 infrastructure, but for Réda, the future is now, so he has no intention of waiting for things to be done without participating in it. 💪

Réda talks about it all better than we do so let’s leave the floor to the master now! A huge thanks to him for his time and passion, that we really feel throughout the whole episode.

Hope you enjoy it! 

Da yours, 

The daphni team

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