
Let’s give its place to each talent

Let's give its place to each talent

We dream of a world where inclusion and diversity have become the norm, a world where it would be much easier to hire and be hired… Is that a bit idealistic? Maybe, but at daphni we strongly believe in it! Well, let’s be realistic: each big revolution has to start small, so we’re acting at our level, in the Tech ecosystem.

It might not be your cup of tea, but remember what used to say the famous Guerrilla radio song from Rage Against The Machine: “It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime; What better place than here, what better time than now?”

Anyway, back to the subject! We’ve decided, along with 11 other VCs, to join the TechYourPlace movement to start the revolution. Co-founded in 2020 by Diversidays and Mozaïk, this French project aims to implement concrete efforts to improve equal opportunities in the Tech ecosystem.

On October 17th, all the movement’s stakeholders were gathered at the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Paris. Jean-Noël Barrot, Clara Chappaz and many other guests were reunited to discuss about parity, diversity, inclusion… You got it, there’s a lot to do and TechYourPlace is one of the solution.

Let’s spread the word!


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