
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle

I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle

May 11th 2020. A date we won’t forget, as it represents the end of the lockdown in France, a moment we have all been waiting for.

As we all know, the recovery is gentle: the reopening of schools, restaurants, bars, cultural places will be on a gradual basis. And as for our borders, they remain closed. Travelling may not feel like something we’d like to embark on at this moment, but eventually so. Whether it be in the Greek islands, the beaches of Italy, the lively neighborhoods of Lisbon, cycling along the canals of Amsterdam… It’s obviously too premature to say what our summer will be like, but one thing is for sure, bike rides! Bikes rides in Amsterdam or elsewhere, are already possible. But folks, it’s too early to think about holidays right now, and time is at work. For most countries, cities, and companies, returning to work — physically — is a challenge, and bikes might be a part of the solution.

Commuting for work without using public transportation is the next thing we need to do. France’s plan is to push pedal power to keep post-pandemic pollution levels low as well as keeping people safe. In order to support the use of alternative modes of transport, the Sustainable Mobility Package came into force on May 11th instead of July 2020. This package provides employers reimbursements for their employees of 400€/year to encourage commuting by bicycle or car-sharing.

Last year, the French bike market experienced a strong rise, with more than 2.6 million bikes purchased. And the sector is preparing for a new upturn with the end of the lockdown, as bikes offer advantages for maintaining social distancing. Could coronavirus be the trigger to turn France into a cycling nation? Is cycling the new driving? We are not there yet, but mother earth deserves better than just a respite. It needs to start with a mentality shift, infrastructure adaptation, and then the attitude will change. Many players are helping to do this shift, and at daphni we know very well 2 players that might ring you a bell. We are speaking about Zoov and Angell Bike.

Zoov is an actor of self-service electric bikes that daphni backed in January 2019. To remind you, Zoov proposes a sustainable, data-driven and connected e-bike sharing solution. And to celebrate the end of the lockdown, Zoov offers their electric bikes for 0,20€/minute in South Paris and Bordeaux. In addition, the company gives you the opportunity to offer to your loved ones 20 minutes free for their first ride, and receive 20 minutes credit every time they use Zoov for the first time! Ready? Set, Zoov!

Hang on, we’re not done yet. We have another good recommendation if you are in the mood for cycle! Marc Simoncini, one of our Partner, is also ready to accompany you to shift towards a greener mobility with its new Angell Bike. Angell’s mission is to improve everyday life in cities. Light design, efficient battery, connectivity… everything has been thought out. You can preorder your bolide here. On top of this, Angell website provides a tool to calculate your CO2 emissions during your daily journeys in 3 clicks, and a tool to find out how Angell can improve your daily life.

And you know what? At the end of the day, no matter what brand you choose, pick the bike you love to invest in a greener planet and a healthier future.

Let’s conclude with a quote we fully agree with, from Rebecca Newsom (Greenpeace UK’s Head of Politics): “There are many things about the lockdown people will be glad to leave behind, but cleaner air is not one of them.”

Stay safe,

The daphni team

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