
Do you know the Ace of IoT in France?

Do you know the Ace of IoT in France?

As the 2021 online edition of the CES (Consumer Electronic Show) ends in Las Vegas, we couldn’t possibly miss the chance to introduce you to the Ace of IoT in France. We had the chance to interview him on our podcast a few weeks ago…but first, let’s see if you can guess who I am talking about!

  • For decades, this high profile entrepreneur has been a regular attendee at the CES rendez-vous, where he won a couple of awards for his outstanding innovations.
  • He is not only a trend sensor, he is also the first entrepreneur to connect your scale to your phone in France.
  • He securely connected millions of homes, respecting privacy and the transparency of client’s data.
  • He is part of the daphnipolis (our community).

Have you guessed yet? Ok… a few more tips !

  • He isn’t from Great Britain but from Brittany.
  • He is always surrounded by his ‘Hermione’’ and ‘Ron’ to imagine THE next unicorn.

Ok no more mystery, he’s not a wizard but a magician. It’s not Harry but Fred Potter.

Listen to our latest podcast episode (🇫🇷) to discover an incredible and passionate entrepreneur who wakes up every morning to create products that generate positive emotions in people.

Fred has been reinventing objects we use in our everyday lives for over 20 years. But his genius doesn’t stop here. He already founded 3 companies and sold them to big players! In 1999, Fred started Cirpack, a telecommunications supplier, later bought by Technicolor. He went on and created Withings, sold to Nokia before creating Netatmo in 2011 (recently acquired by Legrand).

I hope this is enough to tease you! Take a listen now.

Very Best,


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