
da ride is da new hype

fifteen zoov

da ride is da new hype

Have you ever thought that you could ally bike riding with positive impact and well-being? No? Ok, that is why we are proud investors of projects which literally revolutionize our habits and usage.

We are very happy to announce that our Purple portfolio start-up Zoov (which has merged with Smoove but you already know that, don’t you?) is now Fifteen. But that’s not it! Fifteen has just raised a €40M round with Eiffel Investment Group2050daphni, and other historic investors.

Fifteen is aiming to expand across all regions to become the leader of sustainable mobility alternatives with their augmented bikes! 

But don’t get us wrong guys, the project is way more than just reducing gas emission. The brilliant team is hiring more than 50 talents to support their growth and upcoming projects, which are truly building da city for good. 

The company is not only providing an alternative mobility solution, but also promotes a world where all you need is available at 15 minutes from your home and accessible with a good ride… with Fifteen. We told you, that’s brilliant!

We really share Fifteen values of inclusivity and the way they promote well-being in cities! 

Congrats to Arnaud Le RodallecAmira HaberahBenoit Yameundjeu and all the amazing team!

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