Bring back da events! ?
Bring back da events! Hi folks! These last weeks have
Home • Daphnipolitans • Page 2
Our chronicles gather everything about daphni and our portfolio start-ups.
What is a “VC-as-a-platform”? Who are our community members? How are we building da city for good? What are our portfolio latest news?
Enjoy your reading!
Leocare x Angell: da power of community Hi folks, We’re
Franck Lebouchard: THE man of the situation Hi folks! As
Meet Réda Berrehili, da king of Web3! Web3, Cryptocurrencies, Metaverse…
Laurence Bret-Stern: From London, Paris, NY… to Chamonix! Hi folks!
Let’s introduce… Fatou Diagne (Bootstrap Europe) Hi folks! You know
Ronan Le Moal, from Epopée Gestion Hello folks! It’s the
The Entrepreneurial mindset, by Sonia Lecommandoux Hi folks, We hope
Olfa Zorgati : une détermination à toute épreuve Qui est
Portrait of Sébastien Couasnon, an entrepreneurs lover If you are