Home • VC Team Paris • Sacha Lellouche
Sacha Lellouche
Investor at daphni
Sacha is an investor at daphni. Prior to joining daphni, he worked at Karmen, a both young and dynamic fintech offering Revenue-Based-Financing to SMBs.
He entered HEC Paris in 2021 and completed a bachelor in applied mathematics in parallel of his first year. He’s now doing a professional gap year, and is looking forward to what’s yet to come !
"Happiness is my choice, for health’s sake” - Voltaire
Sacha's fun facts
Super power
He can speak Chinese
Smile when
he meets passionate people
He can teach
Spikeball !
Why did he join the VC world?
To become an entrepreneur
Soft skills
Curious, smiling, good listener
Do you play chess ?
Climate and sports
How he acts for good
No meat on week days, and bike as much as he can
Mission at daphni
Supporting the investment team in its day-to-day missions
2 months in jail (volunteer)
spent on a velib’